The phrase, “What Did God Say,” has become my family’s mantra. We know that there is power in the Word of God, which is important to declare over all circumstances, especially in times of crisis. During my mom’s health calamity (shared below), we became aware of a list of 101 healing Scriptures compiled from the Word of God. My family and I steadfastly began to proclaim these healing Scriptures, as often possible, over my mom (along with relentless prayer and other measures). Even amidst the most harrowing, exhausting days at the hospitals, my dad and I would voice to each other, “I know what people (especially the doctors) are saying, but what did GOD say? Tell me, what did GOD say?” (Hence, the title of my song.) Then, we’d proclaim God’s Word, because what God says is solely paramount and all that we accept.
Our Creator established a universal law asserting that words possess power and are able to affect change within the natural realm. Words can create or destroy. The Scriptures state that “death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21). Of course, God created the world by speaking it into existence. God said, “Let there be light and there was light” (Genesis 1:3). Everything originated and proliferated via God’s Words. It’s difficult to comprehend how much power and authority our words carry when we speak the actual Words of the Creator of the Universe.
My new song was born of God leading me to turn some of the 101 healing Scriptures into a song that would make the healing declarations easier to trumpet over one’s life. “What Did God Say” is intended to be a healing anthem, that when sung, or listened to, is like spiritual medicine to the listener’s being. This anthem promotes healing because the lyrics are the express Word of God, our Creator. When you speak God’s Words, your body takes notice and can respond because creation recognizes the Words of its Creator (Proverbs 4: 20-22). Of course, we should also heed the advice of our doctors as God leads us. God can accomplish healing medicinally as well.
We are spirit beings housed in a physical body. At times, disease is spiritually rooted and may require spiritual healing that can subsequently manifest as physical healing. What better manner to inspire spiritual healing than to speak/sing into our beings the healing Words of the One who created us? God’s Word affirms to us that His will is for us to be healed, restored, and celebrating a long life. Therefore, I encourage you to sing along with me these healing Words of God over your body. You can further apply this concept by speaking what God says into every aspect of your life.
Biblically, the root (עוד) for the Hebrew word testimony (עדות) means “to repeat” or “to do it again” with equivalent authority and power. Thus, regarding healing testimonies, we can have Hope that God will repeat the healing miracle in each testimony for those who hear it. In sharing my mom’s healing testimonies, I’m presenting evidence of God’s miraculous wonders which He has done, and that which He is able to perform in the future. In other words, these testimonies urge God to repeat said miracles. These stories can provide you with Hope for your own circumstances. Don’t hesitate to petition God to accomplish for you what He did for my mom.
Together, let’s make it the norm to proclaim what God says over every situation that we may face. Throughout every day, my family repeatedly listens to this song (as my mom did when she stayed in the hospitals), because we know it’s imperative to have our environment saturated in God’s Words. I’ve added the song lyrics to this page for you to declare along with me. This healing anthem is a ministry vessel that I pray will give you Hope in every circumstance for God’s healing, restoration, and victory in your life! Please do share this song along with my mom’s healing testimonies!
In 2023, my mom was diagnosed with a rare, stage four Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL) that was particularly aggressive. The NHL had metastasized all throughout her abdomen, intertwining itself with spike-like ends amongst many of her organs. The main part of the malignant tumor had impaled itself through my mom’s posterior gastric (stomach) wall, creating a colossal hole in her stomach that was plugged up by part of the cancer tumor itself, much like a mammoth cork. After an initial endoscopy, my mom’s gastroenterologist explained that there was no longer much posterior stomach wall in existence due to the tumor having perforated it.
Furthermore, my mom’s doctors explained that the stomach hole was too monstrous to heal on its own; nor, could it be surgically repaired. Even if surgery were to be attempted, it would be so precarious that it would be a miracle if my mom survived it. Consequently, the doctors were loath to proceed with my mom surgically. Even worse, if chemo were to be administered, and it succeeded in shrinking the cancer, it would leave a gaping hole in her stomach. That hole would then allow the contents of my mom’s stomach to flow into her abdominal cavity causing sepsis and death within 24-48 hours. Thus, the doctors explained that with or without treatment, the result would almost certainly be fatal.
This was traumatic news to my family. However, I knew that the Word of God promised longevity beyond my mom’s age. Therefore, I prostrated myself before God, imploring Him to spare my mom’s life, whether via a doctor or supernatural means, or both. Within an hour, God led me to discover online a boutique oncologist who specialized in mom’s NHL. This oncologist primarily used an alternative cancer treatment that incorporated low dose chemo, which he agreed to immediately administer to my mom. The doctor was doubtful my mom would survive; but he was willing to try treatment rather than stand by idly and wait for the inevitable.
Two months after mom’s initial endoscopy, the oncologist ordered another endoscopy. I’ll never forget the day of my mom’s second endoscopy. Mind you, during this time, my family was faithfully appropriating various Biblical principles for healing (one of which I described above). We also connected to an incredible healing ministry (North Georgia Revival), while close family and friends were supporting us in fervent prayer. On the day of my mom’s second endoscopy, my dad and I were seated in the waiting room, praying, as the medical team commenced my mom’s procedure. About thirty minutes later, we saw the gastroenterologist running towards us. My dad and I anxiously stood to our feet. I’m crying as I write this because the first statement the doctor exclaimed to us was, “It’s gone!! The hole and the cancer inside of her stomach is gone!” The doctor then explained that she had extensively inspected my mom’s stomach and couldn’t locate the hole or any sign of cancer inside of mom’s stomach, not even a scar to indicate where the hole/cancer had been. My mom’s stomach looked like new!
The doctor raised my mom’s test results in her hands, and proclaimed, “This is not the same stomach we saw in the initial endoscopy! The difference is like night and day!” It was a miracle! Soon after, the remainder of the metastatic NHL resolved in the other areas of my mom’s body as well. God healed my mom! In the face of circumstances and doctors that proclaimed death, God’s Word spoke LIFE. The truth is, my mother is alive because it only matters what God says, not what people say. Despite the gravity of whatever situation you are facing, please know that God is alive, active, and wants to keep His promises. What he did for my mom, He is willing and wants to do for you.
When my mom battled NHL (Non-Hodgkins lymphoma), one night she was rushed to the ER and subsequently admitted to the hospital. Sadly, hospital stays, and ER visits, had become a common occurrence during my mom’s cancer experience. Often, her treatment at the ER would include a blood transfusion. This would stabilize her as much as a stage 4 cancer patient was able to become stable. But one particular night, the outcome was different. After a blood transfusion, my mom became suddenly, gravely ill (more so than she already was). Her blood levels continually dropped significantly, with no end in sight. Normal platelet levels are around 300. Moms were 2 (and dropping). Over the course of a week, the doctors continued to administer blood transfusions amounting to 12 in total. Yet, they were accomplishing nothing. My mom’s health continued to deteriorate rapidly.
The doctors ran countless tests, yet they couldn’t determine what was destroying my mom’s red blood cells despite the transfusions. According to the doctors, the situation looked fatal. I don’t think my family and I have ever declared the 101 healing scriptures, or prayed more fervently, than we did that week at the hospital. Then, one night, as my dad and I prayed with my mom, I felt God strongly impress upon my spirit that my mom’s health situation would have a sudden turn around, and that she would be OK. We clung to that word from God. Early the next morning, my dad got a call from the hospital. In those circumstances, you always dread a hospital call. But, it wasn’t the news we feared. It was good news. The doctor said that, miraculously, my mom’s blood levels had suddenly increased to the point that she could be released from the hospital. Another miracle!
But wait, that isn’t the best part of the story. After that horrific week at the hospital, my mom continued to recover daily. A couple of months later, one of my mom’s doctors called to speak to my dad. Much to the doctor’s surprise, my mom answered his call. “Oh. You’re alive?” he exclaimed, in disbelief. “Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?” my mom replied. To which the doctor explained, “The second blood transfusion you received when you were gravely ill in the hospital a few months ago was infected with a deadly tick-borne disease. It’s fatal, even with treatment, to people with any one of three conditions, i.e. if you have cancer; are 60 years old or over; and don’t have a spleen.” Regrettably, my mom had all three conditions.
The doctor continued, “It’s not possible for you to have survived that.” He then ordered multiple tests for the tick-borne disease, and all my mom’s results returned completely normal. He then sent my mom to an infectious disease specialist who, though confounded, confirmed that my mom had clear blood tests, and had survived the infected blood transfusion.
You guessed it. God did it again! He healed my mom and saved her life from a deadly disease of which we and the doctors had no knowledge. Nonetheless, our all-seeing, all-knowing God knew. As my song states, what God says trumps what people say. Clearly, God’s healing is what came to fruition for my mom. How many times has He worked on our behalf, unbeknownst to us, literally rescuing, helping, delivering, protecting, and working all things together for our good? Infinite times. These stories remind me of the film, “Princess Bride,” where Wesley perpetually saves Buttercup from brushes with death. Wesley never fails. So it is with Our God. His promises are unfailing. It’s hard to fathom all that God is accomplishing behind the scenes on our behalf. Our God is a good, good, Abba!
Verse 1:
This shall be your truth
Is there a bad report
Bring it to the Lord
Declare over you
Words that give you life
To combat all the lies
Even in a circumstance
That seems like it won’t cease to end
Just speak His Word
See miracles arise
Yeah even in a circumstance
That seems like it will lead to death
Just speak His Word
And you’ll breath in new life
So tell me what He said, yeah
Hey, tell me, what did God say
Don’t matter what people say
Tell me, what did God say-ay-ay
Ohh Ahh…Ma Elohim Amar מה אלוהים אמר
Ma Elohim Amar מה אלוהים אמר
Tell me, what did God say
So tell me what He said, yeah
“I am the Lord that healeth thee” – Ex. 15:26
“Your years shall be 120” – Gen. 6:3
“Your health shall spring up speedily” – Is. 58:8
“I sent my Word and healed thee” – Ps.107:20
“I heal all of your disease” – Ps. 103:3
“The years of your life shall be many” – Pr. 4:10
“I took all your infirmities” – Is. 53
“I’ve arisen with healing in my wings” – Mal. 4:2
Verse 2:
This shall be my truth
Is there a bad report
I’ll bring it to the Lord
Declaring what’s true
Words that give me life
To combat all the lies
Even in a circumstance
That seems like it won’t cease to end
I speak His Word
See miracles arise
Even in a circumstance
That seems like it will lead to death
I speak His Word and I’ll breath in new life
So tell me what He said, yeah
Chorus 2:
Hey, Tell me, what did God say
Don’t matter what people say
Tell me, what did God say-ay-ay
Oh Ahh…Ma Elohim Amar מה אלוהים אמר
Ma Elohim Amar מה אלוהים אמר
Tell me what did God say
So tell me what He said, yeah
“He is the Lord that healeth me” – Ex. 15:26
“My years shall be 120” – Gen. 6:3
“My health shall spring up speedily” – Is. 58:8
“God sent His Word and healed me” – Ps.107:20
Oh “He’s healed all of my disease” – Ps. 103:3
“The years of my life shall be many” – Pr. 4:10
“He took all my infirmities” – Is. 53
“He’s arisen with healing in His wings” – Mal. 4:2
Final Chorus:
Hey, Tell me, what did God say
Don’t matter what people say
Tell me, what did God say-ay-ay
Oh Ahh…Ma Elohim Amar מה אלוהים אמר
Ma Elohim Amar מה אלוהים אמר
Tell me what did God say
Hey, Tell me, what did God say
Don’t matter what people say
Tell me, what did God say-ay-ay
Oh Ahh…Ma Elohim Amar מה אלוהים אמר
Ma Elohim Amar מה אלוהים אמר
Tell me what did God say
“By His stripes, we are healed” – Is. 53